Consumer survey

What we do

Consumer survey

Consumer survey is a regular activity of Intelligentmedia in each project to monitor and evaluate the project's impact. Our most popular survey methodologies are:1.Desk research: We review previous research findings, journals, editorials to gain a broad understanding of the matter. This step aims at understanding the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of target audiences towards their behaviors of consumption; 
2.Qualitative research: we develop tools to guide in-depth inverviews, develop in-depth questionaire set, pretest questionnaire and collect data; 3.Quantitative research: we develop questionnaires, pretest questionnaires, screening interviewees and collect data.

Besides, depending on the complexity of each project, we will use additional methodologies such as Sampling and Quotas, Design and Analysis, Narrative Analysis (1 and 2)…


Case study

This is a case study on Consumer survey of rhino horn and elephant ivory funded by WWF conducted by Intelligentmedia. The general objectives of the research is to understand the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) of Chinese tourists towards buying elephant ivory and/or rhino horn products while visiting in 6 cities in Viet Nam. Specific goals are to identify: Target audience (Formulate target audience socio-demographic and psycho-demographic profile, separated by categories (non-buyers, intenders, past-12-month buyers, and ever buyers) and purposes of travelling); Knowledge (Identify their awareness and knowledge of rhino horn and elephant ivory on perceived benefits, properties; and drivers of demand; law violation penalties); Behavior (Identify purchase behavior: barriers to purchase; occasions of purchase; frequency and volumes of purchase; purchase channels for each product; and future intension); Attitude (Identify attitude towards conservation, wildlife protection, legislation, penalties, and other deterrents restricting or prohibiting the use of these products); Communication (Explore media habits; respected messengers and preferable message and interventions which can change their behavior).




Based on experience and consultation with some sociological experts, we confirms sample sizing by using the above formula in scientific and representative with random sampling. To ensure quality of information obtained from the questionnaire, the research team takes additional backup sample. However, with this sample sizing method, oversizing is likely while budget is limited.



To ensure the objective and effective collection of information at the beginning of each working day, we conducted the survey according to the following Personel Chart of Implementation:
Intelligentmedia assigned each key expert to be responsible for coordinating the survey in 02 provinces. Thus the research team was divided into 3 groups to perform the task. In addition, there was one or two permanent experts in the field to supervise and provide technical support to the interviewers.
To ensure the objective and effective collection of information at the beginning of each working day, the coordinator and supervisor organized a short meeting with the interview team to assign tasks and identify noting points in accordance with the characteristics of each survey area.
A short follow-up meeting was also held at the end of the working day so that interviewers could share initial findings during the survey, and also experience sharing and lesson learnt from each other's experiences and agreed with each other how to collect additional information (if necessary) to clean the survey. In case of necessity, short group meetings could be organized in the lunch break time to ensure smooth implementation. The task of experts on coordination and supervision was reflected in the personnel plan.








Key Word :

Intelligentmedia | Behavior change communication | Truyền thông thay đổi hành vi | Demand reduction in Vietnam | Chi initiative | Strength of Will initiative